Google, Yahoo, Microsoft & Other .PK Based Websites Hacked

Today a big online news busted out for high profile Pakistan based websites getting hacked and getting defaced. Well and then we just got everything right in front of our eyes Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and other high profile websites Pakistan based just got hacked with some DNS changes.
Now its not like a big news about any worries thinking that Google is not safe anymore and your data might get into wrong hands, but the concept is that hacker just managed to get into their DNS Database that holds all the .pk domains and they just defaced it.
So now basically when you access these websites shows a message like this in the above screenshot. So its in their own Turkish language and you can just translate it into your own language to get to know what they actually mean.

Websites hacked by Turkish Hackers

Below is the lost of all the websites that got hacked by Turkish hackers, well all are .pk domains do nothing to worry about usual domain names as they will work fine.
So well I think soon this will all get over and all websites will be recovered, well its just like a prank all something killer stuff to prove brutality, well lets see what happens next you do not get worried and just leave your comments on this thing.