Mobile technology has been on the developing side since a bit of
time. In some of the recent years,
India has experienced some
revolutions in mobile technology and Internet like 3G and then 4G LTE.
While 4G is not so popular till now in India, 3G has reached to every
city and telecom circle. 4G has been launched in a few cities, but the
data plans on 4G LTE networks are much higher as compared to 3G and GPRS
plans. Pricing is one of the reason why $G has not been so popular till
When it comes about choosing the best 3G internet provider, you can go
out to have a lot of choices. Almost all of the telecom operators in
India have 3G services today. But services for a particular telecom
operator are not countrywide. All those operators have got license to
launch their 3G services in some circles. Below is a detailed list of al
those states where a particular service provider has got 3G license
1.Aircel: Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar and Jharkhand, Jammu and
Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata, North East, Orrisa, Punjab, Tamil
Nadu, UP(E), West Bengal.
Total- 13 circles.
Total- 13 circles.
2. Bharti Airtel: Delhi, Mumbai, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, UP(W), Rajasthan, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar,
Assam, North East, Jammu and Kashmir.
Total- 13 circles.
Total- 13 circles.
3. BSNL: All India except Delhi and Mumbai.
Total- 20 circles.
Total- 20 circles.
4. Idea Cellular Limted: Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,
Kerala, Punjab, Haryana, UP(E), UP(W), Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh,
Jammu and Kashmir.
Total- 11 circles.
Total- 11 circles.
5. MTNL: Delhi and Mumbai.
Total- 2 circles.
Total- 2 circles.
6. Reliance Communications Limited: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Punjab,
Rajasthan, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Orrisa,
Assam, North East, Jammu and Kashmir.
Total- 13 circles.
Total- 13 circles.
7. Tata Docomo: Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh(W),Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh.
Total- 9 circles.
Total- 9 circles.
8. Vodafone: Delhi, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Kolkata, Haryana, UP(E), West Bengal.
Total- 9 circles.
Total- 9 circles.
In some of the circles, operators have come up with sharing the
license, for eg : If one operator does not have 3G license for a
particular circle, that can share the license with another service
provider by paying a certain amount to that network.
Well, I have not experienced 3G internet all over India, but for a
few circles like Rajasthan Delhi, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Karnataka, I have
a bit of experience. All those network providers which I have used in
these circles for 3G network are Tata Docomo, Aircel, Airtel and
Talking about speed, Airtel takes the top slot on the list, as I felt
it great while using Airtel 3G. The speed was too good and I constantly
got over 4 mbps browsing speed and around 500-600 kbps downloading
speed. Anyways, speed in a 3G network is never an issue irrespective to
the network, but the main thing which arrives is the consistency. Airtel
has been consistent over the period of time I have used this. Aircel
and Reliance are not too far behind. But Tata Docomo seriously needs a
lot to work in this field. Tata docomo’s network keeps fluctuating while
you are running on a 3G network and your data connection keeps
disconnecting and reconnecting.
While Airtel takes the top slot in terms of speed and consistency,
you need to think a bit about the price too. Because users in India want
an affordable data plan and it that regard, Aircel is the best. 10 GB
3G data with unlimited 2G internet costs Rs 997 in Aircel. The same pack
s available for Reliance in Rs 1099 and Airtel charges Rs 1500 for the
same pack.
Airtel and Aircel give a speed of 128kbps after you have used your
bundled 3G data, but Reliance give a hectic speed of just 64 kbps which
is surely a negative point for it.
In the comparison I did above, Aircel surely tops the list because of
the pricing and not so bad speed and connectivity. I ave used Aircel
over a period of time and also the 2G internet pack of Aircel which
offers your truly unlimited Internet at just Rs 98 is the most popular
data pack till date. I hope you liked this article of mine, do let me
know if you have some doubts about anything and I will be very happy to
answer them