But peoples VPN has rolled out the latest version through an update. Fortunately it has numerous working ports to enable TCP and UDP access.
The latest version added 53 , 80 , 137, 9201 , 10201 and TCP 80 , 443 as working ports. This would help us to use free VPN for free net access on PC.
You have to register before downloading the client. But the account access is limited to only 5 days. Don’t be panic. You can use the same email for gaining the free access again and again after the limit.
It’s successfully working till date in Kerala, neighbours Tamil nadu, AP, Karnataka etc. Unfortunately we couldn’t test it on northern states.
So please do test and reply whether it’s working in your state. You can download the version from below.
Client Here (Updated 11-06)
Download PeoplesVPN Premium
Server Client! (Updated 11-06)
Server Client! (Updated 11-06)
PeoplesVPN Premium GUI Client