Tsunami and IPRIVO VPN Trick for Airtel and idea-Using UDP 53

Tsunami and IPRIVO are the most common terms when it comes to VPN tricks. As you know TCP VPN tricks are no longer working so we have been searching throughout the forums and blogs for something new. As a result, we got a working UDP trick for Airtel and idea. Here we use port 53, which gives the maximum possible data transfer without disconnection.
I’m not uploading a new VPN here. Instead of that I’m gonna upload a configuration file that can be used along with the NMD VPN. You just download the given configuration, copy to the config folder of NMD VPN and choose the tsunami and IPRIVO servers from the list.
One of the major benefit of this trick is that it doesn’t require any registrations. You can use it for unlimited data and content. While connecting, remember to chose server as IPRIVO. You will get maximum speed from that. But use tsunami server for downloading.