Sathik vpn 4.0 north and south servers airtel 3g vpn working all over india

Hello friends! I have got a very exciting news to share with all of you. Its an exclusive trick, a much needed and sought after treasure that we bloggers were exasperated to the point of desperation upon not getting it. Around two days earlier Sidharth had posted the sathik vpn's latest release 4.0 and its working for many people.
I have posted the links of sathik vpn servers both north and south after completing their crappy facebook share and like necessities. Now you need not bother to like their page or share their links. Given below are the config files with instructions on how to use them. Yes I am talking about the ULTIMATE VPN. This vpn doesn't disconnect for 6 hours or a straight 360 minutes. It supports tcp protocol which you need the most. It provides you unlimited downloading with greatest possible 3G speeds which airtel can provide. Just yesterday I had a request about it and today we have it. No I'll not reveal the name. See it for yourself. This vpn trick is the ultimate vpn trick.

You can use UNLIMITED 3G on airtel through. I am continuing my tests on Reliance and I think it'll work on reliance also.

This vpn has no disconnection problems.

Its the holy grail of all vpns. I know that you've seen many vpn tricks in the past and you all know the procedure of connecting it. I'll not delve much into but just go directly into the download links. But all of it comes at a cost. I am providing the direct fileice links for the download which require a survey to complete in order to access the file. A payment for my hardwork. Please use mozilla firefox and have the patience of waiting for 5 minutes because when you unlock the file what you're going to get is not only a vpn its the GREATEST 3G TRICK WORKING ALL OVER INDIA. Its the only thing so super cool that you can kill me if it doesn't work for you. Just comment your experiences.

The good thing is that there are two servers for this vpn. One is north indian and the other one is south indian. It requires the completion of a survey and only after that we get it. But I have completed all the background work and downloaded the NORTH INDIAN SERVERS. I'll try to upload the south indian servers soon enough. Please test the north indian servers and tell me whether you liked the trick. Being in south india I couldn't test it but I know that my readers will definitely review it But as always its only a survey away.

DOWNLOAD AIRTEL 3G VPN NORTH SERVERSThe people using north servers may try with nmdvpn these same config files. And I have now updated the post with south config servers. You may use epple vpn and it works.


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